Our Shuttle Bus system is the quickest, cheapest and easiest way to get to and from the festival to Leeds city centre. We highly recommend buying your shuttle bus in advance, priority will be given to those who have purchased in advance.We recommend doing this in order to avoid queues.

Single | £6 Return | £10
Shuttle Busses run every 20 minutes
Leeds City Centre
(Buses will run from 10.00am)

Newsam Green Farm, Leeds
(The last bus will depart at 16:00pm)

Springwell Road (Next to Mint Warehouse)
LS12 1AF
Shuttle Busses run every 20 minutes
Newsam Green Farm, Leeds
(The first buses departs from 21:00pm)

Leeds City Centre
(The last bus depart at 00:30am)

Mint Festival
Newsam Green Farm
Leeds, LS15 9AD
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